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Bishop's Call to Prayer

Writer's picture: Brad MathiasBrad Mathias

Diocese of the Northeast

Anglican Church in America

The Right Reverend Dr. Alexander H. Webb

Bishop Ordinary

September 22, 2023

To: My brother clergy in the Diocese of the Northeast

Re: Day of Prayer

My brothers:

It is always good to be in prayer for one another. It is especially good when we can be united in prayer all at the same time!

As you know, our Diocese is undergoing changes as we develop new leadership in our ranks. By now you have all heard that Canon Matthew Mirabile has been named Canon Missioner of the Diocese. I will also be naming Fr. Brad Matthias as Canon to the Ordinary and making a few other leadership changes at our Synod meeting on October 27.

I am calling upon all of our parishes and clergy to designate October 22, 2023 as a Day of Prayer for our Diocese and for all the people who comprise it. Attached you will find a sample prayer that can be used in your Sunday morning worship on that day. In addition, I would request that our parishes each recite the Litany (or General Supplication, BCP, p. 54) on that day.

As we, together, lift our hearts and minds unto the Lord in supplication, we are assured that He will hear us and listen to our prayers.

Thank you all,


A Prayer for the Diocese of the Northeast

Almighty God, heavenly Father, creator of heaven and earth and Lord of our salvation; we pray this day for thy Church here upon earth, and especially for this the Diocese of the Northeast: Send unto us thy Holy Spirit, that we may abide in thy presence and in thy peace. So fill us with thy presence that our hearts might be afire with thy love, so that we may reflect thy glory and mercy to one another in our parishes and be a powerful beacon of thy grace unto the whole world. Let our lives as individuals, as parishes, as the entire Diocese, be so reflective of thy life of sacrifice and service that all might be drawn to thee through our witness. Raise up among us men of faith to be ordained, so that all thy people might be blessed through Word and Sacrament. Strengthen our parishes in their common witness and life. Give us the message to bring to this broken world that all might hear and know of thy glory. And most of all, grant unto us in the Diocese of the Northeast thy peace and thy blessing. All this we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Savior. Amen.

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