About St. Luke's Camp
For many years now St. Luke's Camp has provided a fun, safe, and meaningful camping experience for the children of the Diocese of the North East of the ACA. St. Luke's camp is an opportunity for children to have fun, learn the faith, and make friends.
A camping experience like St. Luke's is an important part of the spiritual and moral formation of the children that attend. they learn to cooperate through team building games and exercises, and also learn how their faith relates to thier lives. Camping provides a foundation that children take with them through their entire lives.
Our goal at St. Luke's is to do more than merely catechize, but to transmit a living and vibrant faith to the children who attend. it is about more than having the right answers, but about removing the obstacles that threaten your child's faith. Our goal and prayer is that your child will consider St. Luke's as one of the most important experiences in their lives that helped them retain their faith through their teenage and college years.

2023 Theme
Sing Unto the Lord!
Where and When
July 30- August 3, 2023.
Camp Kerith
Lake Bunganut, Lyman ME.
We are pleased to announce that Saint Luke's Camp will be held at Camp Kerith in Lymon, ME July 30-August 3, 2023. This year's theme is "Sing Unto the Lord!" Our kids will learn about music from Trinity's own music director, Carlos Martinez. They will learn how to sing hymns and chant, as well as sing fun songs. There will also be a musical this year. Yes, our play will include song! Plan to send your kids to St. Luke's Camp this year!
Registration deadline is June 30th for all medical and registration forms with a $100.00 deposit.
Plan now!
Register here.
Cost: $356.00
Structure and Activities
The structure of St. Luke's is built around teaching the faith and Holy communion. Each morning the kids gather after breakfast for chapel, where they will worship, sing, be instructed in the faith according to the theme for the week, and receive Holy Communion.
After Chapel they learn and practice the yearly play. The play, typically written by Bp. Marsh, is a fun way to learn spiritual truths.
After lunch, the children take part in crafts or other games. The afternoon is provided for the kids to enjoy the offerings of the camping experience like ropes courses, swimming, archery, or activities offered at the camp.
Another teaching session follows dinner, then it is time to play field games. The night closes with sharing "highs and lows" around a fire. then it's off to bed.

Other ways to register:
Click this link you will be taken to the online portal where a special registration page has been set up specifically for St. Luke's Camp.
You must also complete the Medical release forms here, filling it out by hand and returning to the address below.
You can also register by downloading the registration document and filling it out by hand and returning with the Medical release forms found here.
​Return all registrations and medical release forms to:
Trinity Anglican Church
c/o Kathy Lewis
180 Rochester Hill Rd
Rochester, NH 03867
or email to: office1@trinity-anglicanchurch.org
If late registrations are accepted, cost will increase by $25 and scholarships will not cover increases.
(O) 603-332-4121
​Checks should be made out to "Diocese of the Northeast" or "DNE".